Mom is Special…
She has always been there with exceptional dinners, delicious cookies, unconditional smiles, and kisses goodnight. Face it…Moms are extraordinary. Just her presence can make it all better.
As the one who raised you into the impeccable person you are, Mom deserves a perfect day of her own – Mother’s Day. Letting her know just how special she is to us, we often send cards, gifts, candy, or shower her with flowers. She is the great lady who would love Chipotle and think it’s a wonderful gesture because, yes, she does like it, but also, it’s with you.
Mother’s Day is revered and celebrated in approximately 50 countries. Thoughts and emotions are conveyed and translated globally on this day. She is highly-regarded and deserves this shout-out.
If you are unable to visit with mom face-to-face, visit her resting place and take flowers or just visit. We honor in many ways.
Sunday, May 9, 1914, was the first official Mother’s Day in the U.S. President Woodrow Wilson declared the second Sunday in May of each year, as Mother’s Day. It is a national holiday.
Bay Area events are plentiful on Mother’s Day to help with the fun aspects. Let the spoiling begin! Take a drive, attend a festival, take mom to brunch, on a picnic, barbeque, or street fair. Show appreciation to the one who provides great conversations and, in some cases, may still be willing to do your laundry.
Remember all moms on Mother’s Day. Wish one and all a day that’s as great as they are. Hugs do wonders, and mom will appreciate them on her Sunday filled will love.
Happy Mother’s Day from Blue Star Company, Inc.